Blue Red And Grey By The Who From The Who By Numbers, 1975 Written by Pete Townshend ©1975 Towser Tunes Inc Originally transcribed by Harlan L Thompson D Dsus4 D Dsus4 G A SomeSee also the Dsus4 Guitar chord Learn more about chord inversions Piano Scales Guitar Chord Chart Ukulele Chord Chart Guitar Scales Flute Fingering Chart Recorder Fingering Trumpet Note Chart Login x Email Password Remember on this computer?Ukulele Soprano (GCEA) Ukulele Baritone (DGBE) Piano Chords;

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Dsus4 ukulele
Dsus4 ukulele-Dsus4 for Ukulele has the notes D G A and can be played 2 different ways Learn about its related chords and interval structure R 4 5Login or Register Forgotten password?

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Suspended Chords Guitar Trick D Dsus4 D sus2 4K Watch later Share Copy link Info Shopping Tap to unmute If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device YouD dominant seventh suspended fourth Die siebte suspendiert vierte Akkord ist eine Variante des vierten Akkord ausgesetzt, was bedeutet, dass es keine dritte hat und Geräusche auf Dieser Akkord kann verwendet werden, für eine Auflösung von bis zu einem Drittel vorzubereitenDsus4/G Ukulele Chord Dsus4/G for Ukulele has the notes D G A and can be played 3 different ways Learn about its related chords and interval structure R 4 5 Dsus4/G Chord On this page Charts Inversions Left handed charts Structure Related chords Chord on other instruments Related scales Chord staff Summary table
Nobody ukulele chords by Mitski 52,423 views, added to favorites 3,232 times I tried to make it close to the original pitch of the song Tuning G C E A Author paulalaloca292 pro 117 2 contributors total, last edit on View official tabChord Dsus4 D suspended fourth Composition and Fingers Guitar/Ukulele chordsvip Learn Chord guitar/ukulele Dsus4 D suspended fourth major chord with 3th replaced by the 4th Suspended chords are neither major or minor Nodes D G A Interval Structure R 4 5 Verse 1 G There's something 'bout the way Dsus4 Am7 The street looks when it's just me C There's a glow off the pavement G You walk me to the car Dsus4 Am7 And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there C In the middle of the parking lot G Dsus4 Am7 C Yeah Oh Yeah Verse 2 G We're drivin' down the road Dsus4 Am7 I wonder if you know C I'm trying so hard not to get
D Dm D D b5 D° Dsus2 Dsus2 b5 Dsus4 D5 Dsus24 D2 Dm #5 Dm sus2 Dm2 D6 D6m D6/9 DM ♯11 D7 DM 7 DM 7b5 DM 7sus2 DM 7sus4 DM 7sus24 Dm 7 D5 7 Dm M7 Dm M7b5 D M7 D 7 D Ø D o7 D 7b5 D7 ♯9 DM7 ♯9 Dm7 ♯9 D7 b9 DM7 b9 Dm7 b9 Dm M7b9 D M7b9 D 7b9 D Øb9 D o7b9 D 7b5b9 D7/6 D7/6sus2 D7/6sus4 D7/6sus4 D7sus4 D7sus2 D7sus24 D7 ♯11 D7 b13 DM7List of "Sing Joyfully" and "Original" songs using the "Dsus4/F# Dsus4/Gb" chord on the guitar and the ukuleleA A#/ This collection of ukulele chord diagrams is the third set of free images I've shared then select chord type (quality) from the list below G G#/Ab G Dsus4 sus4 G/A G/B Csus2 Cadd9 Csus2 You said they're all getting married Chorus sus4 Csus2 G Dsus4 Csus2 G/B G/A Do you feel ashaaaa aaaaaamed sus4 Csus2 G Dsus4 B5/C C5 When you hear my naaaaaaaa

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Dsus4 Chords
Explore ukulele arpeggios on the fretboard based on different chords Learn about its related chords and interval structure R m2 4 5 chord namer Dsus4 add(m2) Ukulele Chord Dsus4 add(m2) for Ukulele has the notes D D# G A and can be played 1 different ways Dsus4 Chord ukulele arpeggiosThe Dsus4 chord has the intervals I, IV, V with notes D, G, A Matching Scales D Major D Minor D Blues G Major G Minor G Major Pentatonic A Minor A Blues A Minor Pentatonic Commonly used in pop, rock, and jazz, the suspended fourth chord usually has no third and therefore sounds open since it lacks a minor or major tonalityCadd9 G Dsus4 I'd tell you that I'm scared of turning out a failure Em Emmaj7/Eb Em7/D Em6/Db He'd say, "Remember that the answer's in the love that we create" G Dsus4 G Cadd9 G So much has changed since you've been away Interlude G Em7 Cadd9 Cadd9 G Dsus4 G Em7 Cadd9 Cadd9 G Dsus4 Verse 3 G I wish that heaven Em7 Had visiting hours Cadd9 And I would ask them Cadd9 G Dsus4

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D7sus4 ukulele chord is also written as D dominant 7th suspended 4th Ukulele chord chart for D7sus4 chord with suggested finger positions on the ukulele fretboard is shown below View D7sus4 chord for guitar To view all other guitar chords with suggested finger positions, check out https//gtrlibcomUkulele tabs C sus2 chord C# sus2 chord D sus2 chord D# sus2 chord E sus2 chord F sus2 chord F# sus2 chord G sus2 chord G# sus2 chord A sus2 chord A# sus2 chord B sus2 chord D maj chord D min chord D 7 chord D maj7 chord D m7 chord D mM7 chord D dim7 chord D aug chord D sus2 chord D sus4 chord D 7sus2 chord D 7sus4 chord D 9 chord D maj9 chord D m9 chord D 6Dsus4 Ukulele ADGbB यह एक कॉर्ड्स की शब्दकोश है जिसमें कई प्रकार के उपकरणों के लिए विभिन्न कॉर्ड्स दिए हैं

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Dsus4 Gitarrengriff lernen Der Gitarrenakkord D sus4 (sus sus4) ist ein QuartTerzVorhaltakkord welcher auf dem Grundton D basiert und aus den Tönen D G A besteht Jetzt das D sus4 Der Dsus4 Akkord Das Gitarrengriffbild Tabs Töne Noten undMehrere Positionen der Dsus4 (D suspended fourth) Akkord auf der Ukulele Dsus4 Ukulele Akkord UkeBuddy Ukulele Akkorden Entdecken Ukulele Akkorde inEin sehr schöner Akkord auf der Ukulele Auf Gumroad hat es noch LeadSheet von bekannten Songs, Hey viel spass bei üben und jeden 5 Minuten reichen aus

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Dsus4 ukulele chord is also written as D suspended 4th Ukulele chord chart for Dsus4 chord with suggested finger positions on the ukulele fretboard is shown below O 1 2 O 1 1 2 O 5 O 3 1 1 5 3 4 1 1 5 3 4 1 O 9 O 1 2 O 9 O 1 2 3 2 O 1 4 O 2 1 1 2 4 2 O 1 4 4 7 7 & 8 & Intro Cmaj7 Am7 Cmaj7 Am7 G Dsus4 G Dsus4 Verse 1 Cmaj7 Am7 Cmaj7 Am7 G Dsus4 G Dsus4 Ba ba dum, ba ba dumbadumba, da ba bum, ba ba dum Cmaj7 Am7 Cmaj7 Am7 Woke up in your new apartment G Dsus4 In your twinsize bed G Dsus4 Coffee starting Cmaj7 Am7 Don't remember much Cmaj7 Am7 G Dsus4 All I know is that you talk too much G Free printable and easy chords for song by Oasis Wonderwall Chords ratings, diagrams and lyrics Capo on 2 Intro Em7 G Dsus4 sus4 (4x) Em7 G Dsus4 sus4 Today is gonna be the day that they're g

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Fingering 2 3 0 0 To play Asus4 start by putting your middle finger in the middle of the second fret of the G string This gives us room to put our ring finger on the second fret of the C string They will be crowded so make sure you play with the very tip of Em7 Cadd9 Em7 G And after all Em7 Cadd9 Em7 G G/F# Em7 You're my wonderwall Interlude sus4 Em7 G Today was gonna be the day but they'll Dsus4 sus4 never throw it back to you Em7 G By now you should've somehow Dsus4 sus4 realized what you're not to do Em7 G I don't believe that anybody Dsus4 sus4 feels the way I do Em7 G Dsus4 sus4 About you now Cadd9 And all the roads that Dsus4The "sus 4" portion of the chord equals the 4th degree of the C major scale which corresponds to the F note The "7" portion of the chord equals the minor 7th note of the scale, therefore corresponding to the A# (or ) note In conclusion, C7sus4 is made up of notes C – G – F – A# ()Name Suspended 4th chord Symbols sus, sus4 Steps 145

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E suspended fourth Commonly used in pop, rock, and jazz, the suspended fourth chord usually has no third and therefore sounds open since it lacks a minor or major tonality It can function as a preparatory chord before a resolution at the thirdDsus4 ukulele Dsus4 ukuleleDiccionario de Acordes Dsus4 Acorde Guitarra Este es un glosario de acordes completo, alimentado por la comunidad y constante mente revisado para aseguramiento de la calidadSus4 Chord Info Sus4 chords are played combining a root, fourth, and perfect fifth notes of the root note's major scale Sus4 Chord Formula 1 4 5Play Ukulele Basic C sus4 chord with simple stepsSimilar ChartsSame Position Fsus2

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